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Adaptability is at the heart of what it means to be a property manager.  This year, in the face of a pandemic and recession, property managers have rapidly shifted gears to solve problems they’ve never faced before. They’ve adapted to regulatory changes like eviction moratoria in residential, implemented new safety protocols in their properties, and started operating remotely…all in response to conditions that changed overnight.  In this unexpected environment, property managers have become more valuable than ever.  Managing a property has become more complex than ever and the value of property managers’ expertise in property operations, local market conditions, and regulatory changes has increased tremendously.  Commercial property managers have spent the year working closely with tenants to modify lease agreements and create payment plans.  COVID-19 has made property managers’ value more evident and in-demand than ever. The crisis management that has long been a primary aspect of property managers’ work has prepared them to adapt in the face of the novel challenges that have emerged in 2020.

We are here to help you and your clients with all aspects of the commercial rental and property management market. Please contact us for further assistance!

Nothing found herein should be construed as an attempt to offer or render a legal opinion or otherwise engage in the practice of law. You should not rely solely on this information. We encourage our clients to work with a lawyer experienced in commercial and/or residential real estate matters as they can be complicated and confusing.